Changing my username
You can’t change your username.
If you wish to use another username, create a new account and delete the old one with the wrong name.
You may invite you initial user with the new one to copy your folders. … Plus
You can’t change your username.
If you wish to use another username, create a new account and delete the old one with the wrong name.
You may invite you initial user with the new one to copy your folders. … Plus
You may upload any type of file as long as its size does not exceed 5 GB. … Plus
Sometimes, files you’ve uploaded may not be available for streaming (corrupted preview) or cannot be openned after being downloaded (corrupted file).
Here is what you can do to fix the situation:
1/ Corrupted preview
If the file cannot be opened … Plus
When you upload files, a white cloud appears in the top right corner of the browser window.
If you click on it, it will display the upload progression. … Plus
If you don’t think you’ll use GiGa again, you can have your account permanently deleted.
Please keep in mind that you won’t be able to reactivate your account or retrieve anything you’ve added.
To delete your account, log into your … Plus
If you want to download multiple files at the same time, you may select the files you want and click on the command ‘Download zip’. A Zip file will be created on the GiGa.GG server and then downloaded by your … Plus
When GiGa.GG is done uploading a file, a preview of the file is computed on the GiGa.GG servers.
The file will appear with a ‘Computing preview’ tag during this process.
A file under ‘Computing preview’ can’t be opened until the … Plus
You can upload an entire folder and its subfolders by drag’ droping the folder with Google Chrome.
For now, this feature is only available with Chrome.
You can also use the software GiGA.GG-PC to upload or download entire folders. … Plus
To protect your privacy, GiGa encrypts your password and cannot reset it. This mechanism ensures a high level of confidentiality for your data, but it requires you to remember your password. If you forget your password, the only solution is … Plus
The maximum number of contacts in your network is 200.
GiGa has been designed to share find with friends in a private network, we do not plan to increase the contacts limit.
The contacts limit remains unchanged no matter the … Plus