Credit card change
- If you’ve changed your credit card while you still have an active subscription, just end your subscription (not your account) and buy a new offer with your new card.
- If you’ve changed your credit card while you still have an
In accordance with applicable laws, D1FFER – in its capacity as a hosting provider – provides users with a visible system to report content protected by intellectual property rights that is shared on GiGa.
Select one or many files and … Plus
The official GiGa SDK is a set of C++ libraries built by GiGa to help your application integrate with GiGa APIs.
Users willing to work directly with GiGa APIs can find them here:
The C++ SDK is available at: … Plus
Dear GiGa users (who use Android),
We’ve released a new app in the Google Play Store:
“GiGa.GG” is now “GiGa – Mobile Cloud”.
You can uninstall the “GiGa.GG” app and download the “GiGa – Mobile Cloud” app here:
Log … Plus
If the GiGa.GG App for iOS displays the error message : “Unknown error”, delete the app and install the latest version (1.5.5) from the App store. … Plus
The mobile Apps do not include upload features.
We intend to add this feature in future versions.
For now, available features are the following:
If you wish to transfer pdf files from GiGa to iBooks, install the GiGa.GG app:
Download the pdf file on your mobile/tablet and open it.
Once opened, tap the screen to open the header menu and click on the … Plus
Some Android users have reported that the website freezes after a few clicks when opened with Google Chrome.
If you’re facing this issue, uncheck “Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly.”
This parameter can be found under … Plus
The android app is available in the Google Play Store:… Plus
The GiGa.GG is available in the App Store:… Plus
If you move to a plan with less storage than the space occupied by your files, your account will become overloaded. You will have to select an offer with the appropriate storage space or to delete files to avoid the … Plus
If you click on the payment button and land on a blank page, just refresh the page and it will be displayed properly.… Plus
You can cancel your subscription from the profile page.
Just click on the link: Cancel your subscription
Yes. You can cancel your subscription and the recurring payments whenever you want.
When you cancel your subscription, no more payments are billed to your account. You will continue to benefit from the subscribed offer until the end of the … Plus
The Online Credit Card Processing Solution we’re using is Stripe.
Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.… Plus
You can use any Visa or Mastercard credit card to buy a GiGa.GG offer.
E-card or prepaid cards are accepted as long as they are co-branded Visa or MasterCard.
Paypal is not supported.
Bank transfers are not available for now.… Plus
When editing your user profile, you can authorize other users to send emails to you.
The email of the sender will be displayed to the receiver but the email of the receiver is not disclosed.
If the receiver replies, he/she … Plus
When you upload a video, GiGa keeps the original file for download and creates a new file (the preview file) for streaming purposes.
This quality of the preview file is determined by 2 different factors : the size of the … Plus
When you decide to share a folder, you automatically share ALL its subfolders.
You can’t modify the sharing property of a subfolder if a parent folder has been shared.
Your PHOTO folder contains 2 subfolders: PHOTOFAMILY and PHOTOFRIENDS.… Plus
This message is displayed when the file preview is not available anymore while the original file is.
When this message appears, the original file is automatically processed to create the preview.
Just wait for the preview to be recalculated and … Plus