Dealing with corrupted files

Sometimes, files you’ve uploaded may not be available for streaming (corrupted preview) or cannot be openned after being downloaded (corrupted file).
Here is what you can do to fix the situation:

1/ Corrupted preview
If the file cannot be opened (the “Open” command is not available or it’s available but the streaming does not start).
Select the file and click on “Report” > “This file is corrupted”, then check “I can’t read / open this file”.
GiGa will check if the file was properly uploaded and will recalculate a preview.
NB: If you just uploaded the file, do not report it while it’s still in the “computing preview” state.You just need to wait.

2/ Corrupted file
If you can download the file but then you can’t open it, it means the original files did not upload correctly.
Select the file and click on “Report” > “This file is corrupted”, then check both “I can download this file but it is corrupted” and “I want to delete permanently this file”.
GiGa will try to determine if the file was properly uploaded and will delete it if it was not.